"The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed." Romans 13:11
You know that great feeling after spending a couple hours with dear friends you don't see often, sharing a bottle of wine, getting caught up? Where each moment is precious... worth "a thousand years"... you don't want it to end? That's a small taste of what I "feel" today after our M2W last evening. My senses and vision are alive, revived... and I'm reminded that as these Triune "Friends" are always with us, indeed, the font of my very nature and life, this is the way my soul should always be.
Pope Benedict is tuned into what's at stake if Catholics can't be awakened from the slumber of "ceremonial" spirituality and culture. He is constantly reminding us that faith, our very lives, are about an intimate relationship with our Savior... to know Jesus Christ personally, truly, that He is alive and present. Pope Benedict knows that if we were to really encounter Jesus, we would live for Him completely, not on the order of obligation, but out of a genuine, relational love.
We invite all to continue journeying with us beyond the event. We schedule things that are important to us in life. Do this... and we promise it will positively change your life: download the fun and engaging LivingIT Family Gathering Guide. Take the 30/3 Family Challenge. Even if you can't schedule three times a week, commit to just once! We know after that one time you'll want to do it more!
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Our next Made2Worship event is July 6. Sign-up now for special updates. Spread the word. Above all, let's keep one another in our prayers... open our hearts to God's amazing love.
Blessings and peace in Him,
The Made2Worship Team